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Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Million Dollar Habits - Brian Tracy

9 stars

  • Paperback: 288 pages
  • Publisher: Entrepreneur Press; 1 edition (May 2, 2006)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1599180294
  • ISBN-13: 978-1599180298
  • Product Dimensions: 8.9 x 6 x 0.8 i

Despite the title focusing on 'million dollars', Brian Tracy manages to put together an excellent well-rounded book on the topic on personal excellence and how to get there. The main concept of it is that habits get us to where we are and they can be learnt. Brain reveals to us tips on develop ingcrucial lifelong habits to better our life in all aspects - career, personal relationships, finances, fitness etc.

7 Steps to a new habit
  1. Make a decision
  2. Never allow an exception
  3. Tell others (be accountable)
  4. Visualisation
  5. Affirm self (self talk)
  6. Persistent practice
  7. Reward to reinforce
The idea is not to overload oneself and take one step at a time, a habit at a time so we won't be overwhelmed. The following are categories of habits that can be developed according to one's wants and aspirations.

Habits to Succeed
- self-discipline
- be an optimist
- be mentally hardy
- know what you want
- be future oriented
- focus on your goals (do goal setting)
- excellence orientation/mastery
- know your key skills
- Develop your weakest skill that is material to your career (weakest skill = slowest pace)
- lifelong learning (read, learn from experts, courses/seminars)
- action oriented
- mix around with the right people

Habits of Millionaires
- take charge of finances
- frugality
- Law of attraction
- Wedge theory (save 50% of future increases)
- Insure

Habits to be paid more and promoted faster
- focus on jobs that are easy to do and easy to learn
- contribution orientation
- seek opportunity vs security
- find/do your ideal job
- Start earlier, end later
- Ask for more responsibility
- Take initiative
- Look like a winner
- Focus on customer service (internal and external)
- Be a good team player
- Help others to improve
- imagine you are self employed
- Be positive and cheerful

Habits of Top Business People
- Clarity
- Set goals and objectives
- Focus on marketing and sales
- Think like a customer
- Flexibility
- 7 points: Plan, organise, find the right people, delegate, inspect, measure, keep others informed.
- be open
- 7 foundations: productivity, customer satisfaction, profitability, quality, employees, organisational development, innovation

Habits for Marketing and Sales Success
- Specialize in one area
- Be different from the rest
- Determine your best potential customers (focus)
- Focus and concentrate on Sales efforts
- 7 Ps: product, price, place, promotion, packaging, positioning, people
- Meet, exceed, delight then amaze your customers
- Referrals and resales are key to profitability

Habits of Personal Effectiveness
- personal strategic planning
- Personal productivity (work hard, fast, smart, efficiently, better, on your strengths
- Focus (why am I paid? What are the high value activities? What only I can do? What is the biggest single contributing thing that i do for the company? What is the best use of my time?)
- Do the important only - Pareto, overcome procrastination, ABCDE method

Habits for Getting Along with Others
- make others feel important
- fearless and spontaneous
- be a relationship expert
- 5 points: acceptance, have gratitude, compliment always, build other's esteem, listen
- prioritize relationships esp with family
- learn forgiveness

Habits for Health and Well-being
- maintain ideal weight
- get rid of 3 white poisons: sugar, salt, flour
- eat right, slowly (> 20mins), timely (heaviest at the start and mid)
- do it slowly and steady
- Exercise
- Relax FULLY when it's time
- Sleep and rise early
- Drink lots of water
- Moderation
- practice solitude

Habits of Character and Leadership
- develop your character
- imagine and act like that ideal
- develop a vision
- aspire
- courage
- responsibility
- honesty and integrity
- 3 primary virtues: Prudence, Just, Benevolent
- Loyalty
- Faith
- Persistence
- Gratitude

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