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Thursday, April 27, 2017

First, Break All The Rules: What the World's Greatest Managers Do Differently


  • Hardcover: 368 pages
  • Publisher: Gallup Press; Har/Psc edition (May 3, 2016)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1595621113
  • ISBN-13: 978-1595621115
  • Product Dimensions: 6 x 1.1 x 7.8 inches

Actually, I read the this version instead ( but the main content is the same. It is a life changing book, in terms of viewing one's career through the lens of one's strengths. To me, this is the path of real happiness in doing what you do best. The following encapsulates my key learnings in reading this book:

1) Measuring is key to knowing the strength of the workplace 
- 12 questions to capture the most and important information. In brackets are outcome correlations
1. Expectation of self at work (retention, business success)
2. Availability of resources to do work right (retention, business success)
3. Opportunity to do what I am best at doing everyday (retention)
4. Receiving praise for good work in the past week (business success)
5. Care from colleagues at work (retention, business success)
6. Colleagues encouraging development (business success)
7. Does my opinions count at work (retention)
8. Does company mission make me feel my work is important
9. Colleagues committed to doing quality work
10. Best friend at work
11. Spoken to someone in last half year about progress
12. Opportunities to learn and grow 
- In various colours, there is an order hierarchy which we fall into, as we grow into new roles. Always address the bottom first then move up. 
1. Base Camp - What do I get
2. Camp 1 - What do I give
3. Camp 2 - Do I belong here
4. Camp 3 - How do we all grow

People don't change that much
Don't waste time trying to put in what was left out
Try to draw out what was left in
That is hard enough

2) Managers are Catalysts
- Managers (inward focus) are NOT but CAN be leaders (outward focus) 
- 4 Keys
1. Select candidate (for talents not behaviours/experience)
- Talents, skills and knowledge
2. Set expectations (for outcomes not steps). Note 4 rules of thumb 
.1 Don't break the bank
.2 Standards take precedence
.3 Follow steps only if they are in the right spirit
.4 Steps only prevents customer dissatisfaction (4 levels of customer expectation - accuracy, availability, partnership, advice)
- Review what is right for the customer, company and individual
3. Motivate individual (on strengths not weaknesses)
4. Develop person (for right fit, not position)
- Level the playing field, hold up the mirror, get to know the person, create safety nets, show tough love

3) Interviewing for Talent
.1 Discover recurring patterns of thought
.2 Ask open ended questions
.3 Listen for specifics 
.4 Clues to talent - rapid learning & satisfaction
.5 Know what to listen out for 

4) Performance Management 
- 4 characteristics of simplicity, frequent interactions, future focus and self tracking
- During reviews, ask actions taken, discoveries made, partnerships forged. Past then future. 
- Career discovery - describe success and why you are good at what you do, struggles, which aspects strengthen, what is the perfect role. 

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