- Format: Kindle Edition
- File Size: 298 KB
- Print Length: 178 pages
- Publisher: HarperCollins e-books; Revised edition (September 10, 2002)
- Sold by: Amazon Digital Services
- Language: English
- ASIN: B000FC11JW
Drucker talks about the executive in the context of working in an organisation.
- Time-awareness
Time wasters arise from
- lack of system and forsight
- overstaffing
- mal-organisation via excessive meetings (less time for work)
- Information malfunction (communication)
To manage time well, we - Record
- Manage systematically
- identify and eliminate the unnecessary
- delegate or relinquish activities that can be done by others effectively
- ask feedback on how one wastes others' time
- Consolidate - Set aside, analyze, prune allocat
- Focus on Contribution - mindset shift from procedural to conceptual
- Assume responsibility for results
- Understand what is needed
Organisations need performance for- Direct results- Building values and their reaffirmation- Succession planningEffective human relations can be achieved via- communcations- teamwork- self-development- development of others
- Building on Strengths - focus on attitude and practice
"There are no all-rounded people"
"Feed opportunities, starve problems"
Staffing for strength- Don't assumre that jobs are natural; jobs are man-designed and can be flawed- Make jobs big and demanding to draw strength and for passion-finding- Appraise for strength and not weaknesses- Staff opportunities and not problems (make weakness irrelevant by focusing on strengths)
Managing bosses- Do what is right- Make bosses effective and perform
- Concentrate - First things first
- Discipline
- Concentration (courage to do so)
- Focus on tomorrow; don't spend today doing yesterday's work
Priorities - we usually plan beforehand (usually too much) but postphone and abandon laterPosteriorities - deciding what NOT to tackle
- Decision Making
Elements- Exception (no rules - more decision thinking) or generic (following principles/rules and minor adaptations)?- Clear specifications for decision accomplishment (boundary conditions)- Do the necessary and right, not compromise- Action- FeedbackIn reality, effective decisions is the making judgements of opinions than facts. There is a need to disagreement first before there is a proper understanding. Disagreements break preconceptions, bring out alternatives, simulate imagination.